How to make pineapple crochet design

Hello friends
I came to you with a magnificent and my favorite design model, shirred crochet...
It can be a trendy video suggestion for those who are looking for a different color in home decoration by designing pen holders, water bottles or even medicine bottles and flower vases as covers. You can also process the miniature of this model and use it in your book and coffee presentations.
I used my choice in kitchen design.
I made shirred pineapple sleeves for my jars with white lids and believe me it looked very nice on the shelves. I recommend this model to you too.

Materials for this project:
1. a rope of suitable thickness and color
2. Knitting attachment for crochet (2-2.5 mm)

K: Knit
P: reverse
YO: From start to finish
SSK: Scroll, scroll, eg
Directions: Knit over 10 loops plus multiples of 1.
Row 1 (RS): K1, *YO, K3, SSK, K2tog, K3, YO, K1; Repeat from * to the end. Row 2 (WS): Turn over all loops. Row 3: K2, *YO, K1, SSK, K2tog, K1, YO, K5; Repeat from * to the last 9 stitches, YO, K1, SSK, K2tog, K1, YO, K3. Row 4: Turn all the loops over. 5th Row: K3, *YO, SSK, K2tog, YO, K7; Repeat from * to the last 8 stitches, YO, SSK, K2tog, YO, K4. Row 6: Turn all loops over. Row 7: K4, *YO, SSK, K2tog, YO, K5; Repeat from * to last 7 stitches, YO, SSK, K2tog, YO, K5. Row 8: Turn all loops over. 9th Row: K5, *YO, SSK, K2tog, YO, K3; Repeat from * to the last 6 stitches, YO, SSK, K2tog, YO, K6. Row 10: Turn all the loops over. 11th Row: K6, *YO, SSK, K2tog, YO, K1; Repeat from * to last 5 stitches, YO, SSK, K2tog, YO, K7. Row 12: Turn all loops over.
1-12. repeat the rows to the desired length.

wish you lots of designs.. Congratulations,Happy knitting!